Welcome, brave adventurer, to the quirky, oftentimes overlooked world of playing support in the ever-engaging game of League of Legends. Now, you may be wondering how one can truly “carry” a game as a support. Fear not, for today we shall delve into the deep, dark secrets that will transform you from a mere ward-placing […]
Tag: support
5 Best ADC’s for Sona Support in League of Legends
Introduction to Sona Support It is a well-known fact that in the ever-changing world of League of Legends, there exists a vast array of champions with unique abilities and playstyles. Among these champions, we find Sona, a versatile and melodic support champion. With her remarkable ability to heal, protect, and even dish out some serious […]
5 Best Support Champions for Ezreal in League of Legends
5 Best Support Champions for Ezreal in League of Legends If you’re looking for the perfect support champion to play alongside Ezreal in League of Legends, you’ve come to the right place. Ezreal is a dynamic marksman-mage hybrid champion with a plethora of options on the Rift. His versatility makes him a great candidate for […]
5 Best ADC’s for Karma Support in League of Legends
5 Best ADC’s for Karma Support in League of Legends As one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, Karma brings an array of unique abilities and playstyles to support. To take full advantage of these abilities, it’s important to pair her with the right ADC. In this post we’ll discuss five of […]

5 Best ADC’s for Lulu in League of Legends
5 Best ADC’s for Lulu in League of Legends Team compositions in League of Legends are all about finding the right combination of champions that can work together to achieve victory. One of the most important roles in the game is the ADC, or Attack Damage Carry, who is responsible for dealing massive amounts of […]
Best 5 Items for Support Champions
Introduction: Why Support Champions Need Specific Items As a support champion, you have a critical role in any game. Your job is to protect your team, set up fights, and control the battlefield. To do this, you need the right tools for the job, and that means having the right items in your build. The […]
How to Play Support in League of Legends
Are you looking to improve your ability to support your team in League of Legends? Do you want to learn how to play the support role effectively? In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about playing support in League of Legends, from the basic concepts to the specifics. With a better […]
Best 5 Support Champions
Best 5 Support Champions The support role in League of Legends is all about helping your team win the game. With a wide variety of champions to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which ones are the best. In this post, we will discuss the top 5 support champions and what makes them […]

5 League of Legends Best ADC Support Combos
Picking the best combo for playing in the bot lane can be hard. While most ADC/Support combos can do well there are some that are exceptional. So let’s take a look at some of League of Legends best ADC Support combos. Here is a list of some of the best combinations that you can play […]