How to Maximize Damage Output

How to Maximize Damage Output in League of Legends

Are you looking to climb the ranks of League of Legends, or just become a better player? Then you need to know how to maximize your damage output! Damage output is one of the most important aspects of the game—it can make or break a match. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to maximize your damage output, from building your champion to itemizing and positioning effectively.

Building Your Champion

The first step to maximizing damage output is to build your champion correctly. Every champion has a unique set of skills and abilities, and building them correctly is essential to maximize their damage output. The first thing you’ll want to do is determine the type of champion you want to play. Do you want to be an assassin like Akali or Yasuo, that deals massive damage in a short amount of time? Or do you want to be a tank like Maokai or Sejuani, that can absorb damage and still deal significant damage? Knowing the type of champion you want to play will help you build the right skills and abilities.

Once you know the type of champion you want to play, you’ll want to select the right skills and abilities. Each champion typically has a set of core abilities that should be taken, but you also want to customize your champion based on the situation. For example, if you’re playing an assassin, you might want to prioritize taking abilities that increase your attack speed or damage, such as Akali’s Shuriken Flip or Yasuo’s Sweeping Blade, while if you’re playing a tank, you might want to take abilities that increase your health and armor first, such as Maokai’s Twisted Advance or Sejuani’s Permafrost. Once you’ve chosen the right abilities, you’ll be ready to maximize your damage output.


The next step in maximizing your damage output is to select the right items. Each item has different stats and effects, and selecting the right item for the situation is essential. You’ll want to select items based on your champion, the type of game, and the enemy team composition. Generally speaking, you’ll want to select items that increase your damage output—this could be items like Infinity Edge, which increases your attack damage, Statikk Shiv, which increases your attack speed, or Ludens Echo, which increases your ability power. You may also want to select items that increase your survivability, such as Thornmail, which increases your armor, or Warmog’s Armor, which increases your health.

When selecting items, you also want to make sure you’re buying items that fit your champion and your situation. For example, if you’re playing an assassin, you’ll want to select items that increase your damage, while if you’re playing a tank, you’ll want to select items that increase your survivability. You also want to make sure you’re buying items that counter the enemy team composition—for example, if the enemy team has a lot of tanks, you’ll want to buy items such as Abyssal Mask or Spirit Visage that increase your ability power or magic resistance. By selecting the right items, you’ll be able to maximize your damage output.

Positioning and Utilizing Abilities

Positioning is another important factor when it comes to maximizing your damage output. Knowing where to position yourself in a fight is essential—you want to be in a place where you can do the most damage while also staying safe. This can be tricky, as positioning is often game-specific and situation-dependent. However, a few general tips can help you maximize your damage output.

First, you want to position yourself in a place where you can hit multiple enemies at once. This will allow you to maximize your damage output while also minimizing the risk of taking too much damage. Second, you want to make sure you’re using your abilities in the most efficient way possible. Each ability has a different range and effect, and you want to use them in a way that will maximize your damage output. For example, if you’re playing an assassin like Akali, you might want to use Mark of the Assassin to delete a squishy enemy, while if you’re playing a tank like Maokai, you might want to use Sapling Toss to keep enemies away from your team. Lastly, you want to make sure you’re positioning yourself in a way that maximizes your ability to dodge enemy attacks—this can be tricky, as it will depend on the enemy team’s movements and positioning, but it’s essential to maximize your damage output.


Maximizing damage output is an essential part of any League of Legends game. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you’ll be able to maximize your damage output and take control of the game. From building your champion to itemizing and positioning correctly, maximizing damage output is key to becoming a better player.