The Best Items for AD Champions

Introduction: Why Every AD Champion Needs These Items

For any Attack Damage (AD) champion, a key part of success is building the right items. The right items can make the difference between victory and defeat, and having the proper items in your build can give you the edge you need to succeed. But with so many items to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which ones are best for an AD champion. This blog post will outline the best items that every AD champion should have in order to optimize their build. We’ll go over each item, why it’s essential for an AD champion, what roles it plays in a build, and specific strategies for integrating them into a build.

The Essentials: Core Items

When it comes to building an effective AD champion, there are a few key core items that are essential. These items are the foundation of any AD champion’s build, and should be the first items you choose.

The most important core item is the Infinity Edge. The Infinity Edge is a powerful weapon that will give your champion a huge boost in damage, and its passive critical strike damage bonus is essential for most AD champions. Another key item is the Last Whisper. The Last Whisper will give your champion a boost in armor penetration, allowing them to deal more damage. Finally, the Bloodthirster is a great item for AD champions, as it provides a lot of lifesteal and attack damage, as well as additional attack speed.

Utility Items: Supporting Your Champion

In addition to the core items, there are several utility items that can help an AD champion. These items provide an extra layer of support that can help your champion stay alive in fights and give them an edge in battle.

One of the most important utility items is the Guardian Angel. This item gives your champion a huge boost in armor and magic resist, as well as an additional life steal effect. The Guardian Angel’s passive ability of reviving your champion is also incredibly useful in team fights, allowing your champion to stay alive and keep fighting.

Another great utility item is the Banshee’s Veil. This item provides a huge boost in magic resist, as well as a shield that can absorb incoming spells. This item is great for AD champions who are often targeted with crowd control abilities, and it can be a lifesaver in clutch situations.

The Mercurial Scimitar is another great utility item for AD champions. It provides a boost in attack damage and attack speed, as well as an active ability that gives your champion a brief invulnerability. This can be especially useful against champions with heavy crowd control abilities, as it can give your champion enough time to escape or turn the fight around.


In addition to the items listed above, there are also a few consumables that are essential for AD champions. These consumables are incredibly useful in both offense and defense, and can make the difference between victory and defeat.

The most important consumable is the Elixir of Wrath. This item provides a huge boost in attack damage and lifesteal, making it invaluable for AD champions. The Elixir of Wrath is especially useful in team fights, as it can give your champion the extra edge they need to turn the tide of battle.

Another important consumable is the Elixir of Iron. The Elixir of Iron grants your champion additional armor and magic resist, making them more durable in team fights and giving them better survivability in the late game. This item is especially useful against teams that are heavily focused on crowd control or magic damage.

Finally, the Elixir of Agility is also a great consumable for AD champions. This item provides a burst of attack speed, as well as some bonus movement speed. This can be incredibly useful in chasing down opponents or in escaping from a team fight, and is an essential item for any AD champion.

Building The Right Items

Once you have chosen the items for your AD champion, it’s important to think about how you will use them. Building the right items for your champion is key to success, and there are a few strategies you can use to ensure that your build is optimized for maximum effectiveness.

The first step is to think about what your team composition is. If your team is heavy on AP champions, it may be beneficial to build more armor and magic resist, so that you can survive against their magic damage. On the other hand, if your team is heavy on AD champions, it may be beneficial to focus more on attack damage and attack speed. It’s important to consider the overall team composition when building items, as this will help you to optimize your build for maximum effectiveness.

Next, you should also consider your opponent’s team composition. Pay attention to what items they are building, and prioritize items that will help you counter their build. For example, if they are building a lot of armor, it may be beneficial to build more armor penetration. On the other hand, if they are building a lot of magic resist, it may be beneficial to build more magic penetration.

Finally, it’s important to remember to build some utility items. Utility items are often overlooked but are incredibly important, as they can provide your champion with additional survivability and utility. Items such as the Guardian Angel, Banshee’s Veil and Mercurial Scimitar are all great choices, and can help you stay alive in fights and give you an edge in battle.


Building the right items for your AD champion is essential for success. The right items can give you the edge you need to take down your opponents, and having the right items in your build can make the difference between victory and defeat. We’ve outlined the essential core items, utility items, and consumables that every AD champion should have in order to optimize their build. We’ve also outlined some strategies for building the right items for your champion and understanding your team and opponent’s compositions. By following these strategies, you can ensure that your AD champion is optimized for maximum effectiveness.