The Best Items for Tank Champions


Tank champions are important for team compositions and can be extremely powerful when built correctly. Having the right items in a tank champion’s build is key to making them effective in both sustaining enemy damage and dealing out the right amount of damage. As a tank, it’s important to know what items are essential for the job, what role they play, and how to integrate them into your build. In this post, we’ll discuss the best items for tank champions and provide an overview of each item, as well as strategies for integrating them into your build.

Sunfire Cape

The Sunfire Cape is a great tank item for champions who are looking to increase their survivability. It provides a large amount of armor and magic resist, as well as a passive area-of-effect damage that can be used to clear wave or harass enemies. It also works great with shields, as the passive damage from the Sunfire Cape will be constantly dealing damage while the shield is active.

Randuin’s Omen

Randuin’s Omen is another great item for tank champions, providing a high amount of armor, health and a unique active slow on enemies. The active can be used to help teammates catch up to enemies or to slow down a fleeing enemy. The health bonus is also very useful for increasing the tank’s survivability.


Thornmail is a great item for tank champions who want to increase their ability to trade damage with the enemy. It provides a large amount of armor and a passive that will reflect damage from auto-attacks. This can be used to deter an enemy from attacking you or to help trade with them more effectively.

Warmog’s Armor

Warmog’s Armor is an essential tank item, providing a large amount of health and health regeneration. This item can be used to increase the tank’s survivability and sustain, allowing them to stay in fights longer and take more damage before going down. It can also be used to help out-heal any damage taken from enemy abilities.

Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart is a great item for tank champions who want to increase their ability to control the enemy team. It provides a large amount of armor and an active that reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies. This can be used to help your team get the upper hand in teamfights or to help kite enemies when you’re on the run.

Spirit Visage

Spirit Visage is a great item for tank champions who want to increase their ability to absorb magic damage. It provides a large amount of magic resist and increases the effectiveness of any healing or health regeneration from abilities or items. It can also be used to increase the effectiveness of any shields or heals from allies.

Strategy for Integrating Items

When building a tank champion, it’s important to know what items work best together and how to integrate them into your build. Below we’ll discuss some strategies for incorporating these items into your build.

  • The order in which you buy items is important. If you are planning to go with a full tank build, you should start off with health items like Warmog’s Armor and then move on to armor and magic resist items like Sunfire Cape and Spirit Visage.
  • It’s also important to consider how the active abilities of the items you are buying can complement each other. For example, Randuin’s Omen and Frozen Heart both have active abilities that can help control enemy movement and allow your team to get an advantage.
  • Lastly, it’s important to consider the timing of your item purchases. If you are laning against a particularly dangerous enemy, you may want to consider purchasing Randuin’s Omen or Thornmail earlier in the game to increase your ability to survive their harass.


Tank champions are powerful characters that can provide a great deal of sustainability and control to a team. To make them effective, it’s important to have the right items in their build. The items discussed above are some of the best for tank champions and can help them survive longer, deal more damage, and gain an advantage in fights. By understanding how these items work and how to integrate them into your build, you can take your tank champion to the next level.