Top 5 Support Items for Junglers

Top 5 Support Items for Junglers

Jungling is an essential part of League of Legends, and an important part of a team’s success. As a jungler, it is important to choose the right items to maximize your build for the best advantage. Here are the top 5 support items for every jungler so you can optimize your build and dominate the game!

1. Quicksilver Sash

This item is essential for junglers, as it provides immunity to crowd control effects for an extended period. This is especially useful for escaping difficult situations and making sure you stay alive during a teamfight. Quicksilver Sash also gives a good amount of magic resist to help protect you against enemy champions, and a large amount of mana, helping you stay in the jungle longer.

2. Spirit Visage

Spirit Visage is a powerful support item that gives a large amount of health, cooldown reduction, and magic resist. This is a great item for junglers because it allows you to stay in the jungle longer, and gives you the magic resist you need to survive against enemy champions. The cooldown reduction also helps you use your abilities more often, allowing you to clear the jungle faster.

3. Randuin’s Omen

Randuin’s Omen is an excellent defensive item for junglers. It gives a large amount of armor and health, making you more durable in teamfights. It also provides a unique passive effect that slows enemies in a small area, allowing you to reposition or kite away from enemies. This is great for escaping difficult situations, or initiating fights.

4. Abyssal Mask

Abyssal Mask is a popular support item for junglers. It gives a large amount of magic resist and health, protecting you from enemy spells. It also has a unique passive effect that reduces the magical damage dealt by nearby enemies, making it great for teamfights. The cooldown reduction is also nice, allowing you to use your abilities more often.

5. Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart is an essential support item for junglers. It gives a large amount of armor, health, and mana, as well as a unique passive that reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies. This makes it great for teamfights, allowing you to kite away from enemies more easily. The cooldown reduction is also nice, allowing you to use your abilities more often.


These 5 support items are essential for every jungler. They provide the defensive stats, mana regeneration, and cooldown reduction that every jungler needs to optimize their build. When used correctly, these items will help you stay alive in teamfights, clear the jungle faster, and dominate your opponents. With the right items, you can be the ultimate jungler!