4 Best Ways to Deny Vision Tactics


Vision tactics are a powerful tool in the world of League of Legends. With the right strategy, you can deny the enemy team the knowledge they need to succeed and give yourself the edge in the fight. In this article, we’ll explore 4 of the best ways to deny vision tactics and give your team the winning edge.

The Basics of Vision Denial

Vision denial is a strategy that involves controlling the enemy team’s vision by using various tactics and tricks. By denying the enemy team knowledge of your location and objectives, you can give your team the upper hand in a fight. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as by placing wards in strategic locations or using vision denial spells, like Farsight Alteration or Control Ward.

When and Where to Deny Vision

When it comes to vision denial, timing and location are key. You’ll want to deny vision when it makes the most sense for your team. That could be when the enemy team is trying to push an objective, take control of an area, or set up a gank. You’ll also want to consider the location of your wards. Place them in areas that will give you the most possible vision, such as near entrances to an area or around an objective.

How to Deny Vision

There are several ways to deny vision. The most common is through the use of wards. Wards are small, glowing objects that provide vision for a certain radius. Place them in strategic locations to give your team the most possible vision. You can also use vision denial spells, such as Farsight Alteration and Control Ward, to deny vision to the enemy team.

Advanced Vision Denial Strategies

Once you’ve mastered the basics of vision denial, you can move on to advanced tactics. Ward placement is key when denying vision. Place your wards in specific areas where they won’t be seen by the enemy team. You can also use combinations of vision denial spells, such as using a Farsight Alteration to scout out an area or Control Ward to block vision, to deny vision to the enemy team.

Finally, you should be aware of how to counter vision denial tactics. If the enemy team is using wards to deny your vision, you can use spells such as Clairvoyance, Vision Pulse, or Control Ward to reveal their wards. You can also use vision-denying spells such as Smoke Screen to blind their vision and take control of the area.


Vision denial is an important part of any League of Legends match. With the right strategies and tactics, you can deny the enemy team the information they need to succeed and give your team the edge in the fight. Use the tips and strategies outlined in this article to deny vision tactics and give your team the winning edge.