7 Essential Items for Any Champion


When it comes to competitive gaming, having the right items at your disposal can mean the difference between victory and defeat. For champions in team-based games like League of Legends, having the right combination of items is essential. The right items can help to optimize a champion’s build, giving them an edge against their opponents. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the 7 essential items that every champion should have in order to maximize their impact in a game. We’ll look at the roles each item plays in a build, strategies for integrating them into a build, and why these items are essential. Let’s get started!

1. Doran’s Blade

Doran’s Blade is a great starter item for any champion. It provides health, attack damage, and life steal, which gives champions the edge they need early on in a game. Having health and life steal gives a champion the sustained damage and survivability they need in the early stages of a game. The attack damage also helps champions scale into late game. Doran’s Blade is a great all-around starter item, and should always be the first item a champion buys.

2. Boots of Speed

The Boots of Speed are an essential item for any champion. They provide necessary movement speed, which is key for effectively chasing down and escaping enemies. The Boots of Speed can be upgraded to a variety of advanced boots, depending on the situation, such as Mercury’s Treads for added magic resistance, or Ninja Tabi for added physical resistance. Having the right boots can make a huge difference in a game.

3. Blade of the Ruined King

The Blade of the Ruined King is a powerful item that offers attack damage, attack speed, and life steal. This item is essential for champions who want to maximize their damage output. The attack speed and life steal help to sustain a champion’s damage output, while the attack damage gives them the extra punch they need to take down enemies quickly.

4. Trinity Force

The Trinity Force is a must-have item for any champion. It provides a mix of attack damage, movement speed, attack speed, and a special effect that gives a champion’s basic attacks extra power. This item is great for champions who want to increase their damage output and mobility. The Trinity Force is a great item for any champion who wants to maximize their damage potential.

5. Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel is a great item for champions who need some extra survivability. It provides armor and magic resistance, as well as a special effect that revives a champion upon death. This item is great for champions who are prone to diving headfirst into fights. The extra protection of the Guardian Angel can give a champion the edge they need to survive a fight and come out on top.

6. Quicksilver Sash

The Quicksilver Sash is a must-have item for any champion. It provides magic resistance and a special effect that cleanses any crowd control effects, such as stuns, snares, and taunts. This item is great for champions who are prone to getting caught in crowd control effects. The Quicksilver Sash can give a champion the extra protection they need to escape dangerous situations.

7. Banshee’s Veil

The Banshee’s Veil is an essential item for any champion. It provides health, magic resistance, and a special effect that blocks the next enemy spell. This item is great for champions who are prone to spells like stuns, snares, and taunts. The Banshee’s Veil can give a champion the edge they need to stay alive and keep fighting.

Strategy and Integration

Now that we’ve looked at the 7 essential items, let’s discuss some strategies for integrating them into a build. It’s important to remember that each item has its own unique purpose, so it’s important to understand how each item works and how it fits into a build. Generally speaking, it’s best to start with Doran’s Blade, followed by Boots of Speed, and then build from there. It’s also important to keep in mind the enemy team composition and pick items that counter the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses. By doing this, a champion can optimize their build and maximize their potential.


In conclusion, having the right combination of items is essential for any champion. The 7 essential items discussed in this blog post are a great starting point for any champion looking to optimize their build. From Doran’s Blade to Banshee’s Veil, these items provide the necessary stats and special effects to give a champion an edge against their opponents. By understanding the roles each item plays in a build and integrating them strategically, a champion can optimize their build and take their game to the next level.