Top 5 League of Legends Junglers

Top 5 League of Legends Junglers

League of Legends is a popular MOBA that has been around since 2009. In the game, players have the option to play as a jungler, a specialized role that focuses on clearing out the jungle camps and ganking other lanes. Junglers provide an important tactical advantage to their team, as they can set up successful ganks and build an advantage for their team. To make the most of your jungling experience, it’s important to know which champions are the best in the role. Here’s our list of the top 5 League of Legends junglers for 2020.

1. Evelynn – The Widowmaker

Evelynn is the undisputed queen of the jungle. Her unique kit and playstyle make her one of the most powerful junglers in the game. Her passive, Shadow Walk, allows her to go invisible while in brush or in the fog of war, making her extremely difficult to catch in the early stages of the game. She has great ganking potential and can quickly clear out the jungle camps, making her a valuable asset to any team composition.

Strengths: Excellent ganking potential, particularly in the early game, great waveclear and jungle clear speed, powerful ultimate for engaging and disengaging.

Weaknesses: Highly reliant on items, easily countered by vision wards, weak dueling potential in the late game.

Tips: Try to gank as often as possible in the early game. Build up your gold advantage by clearing the jungle camps quickly and efficiently. When engaging in team fights, always make sure to use your ultimate to flank enemies and catch them off guard.

2. Lee Sin – The Blind Monk

Lee Sin is one of the most popular junglers in the game. His high mobility, crowd control, and burst damage make him a great pick for any team composition. His ultimate, Dragon’s Rage, allows him to kick enemies away from him, making him an excellent engage tool. In addition, his Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike combo allows him to quickly close the gap between him and his target.

Strengths: High mobility, great crowd control, powerful ultimate, strong early game.

Weaknesses: Squishy, easily countered by vision wards, weak dueling potential in the late game.

Tips: Try to gank as often as possible in the early game. Make sure to use your Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike combo to close the gap between you and your target. When engaging in team fights, always make sure to use your ultimate to knock enemies away from you.

3. Master Yi – The Wuju Bladesman

Master Yi is a powerful jungler that has been around since the game’s launch. His passive, Double Strike, allows him to quickly clear out the jungle camps and his ultimate, Highlander, makes him incredibly hard to catch. In addition, his Alpha Strike allows him to quickly close the gap between him and his target, making him a great ganker.

Strengths: High mobility, great waveclear and jungle clear speed, powerful ultimate for engaging and disengaging.

Weaknesses: Easily countered by vision wards, weak dueling potential in the late game, highly reliant on items.

Tips: Try to gank as often as possible in the early game. Build up your gold advantage by clearing the jungle camps quickly and efficiently. When engaging in team fights, always make sure to use your ultimate to disengage quickly if needed.

4. Amumu – The Sad Mummy

Amumu is a tank jungler that excels at setting up team fights and initiating. His ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, allows him to quickly lock down an area and disable enemies, making him a great tool for engaging and disengaging. His passive, Despair, also allows him to quickly clear out the jungle camps with ease.

Strengths: Powerful initiating potential, great waveclear and jungle clear speed, passive that allows him to quickly clear out jungle camps.

Weaknesses: Easily countered by vision wards, weak dueling potential in the late game, highly reliant on items.

Tips: Try to gank as often as possible in the early game. Build up your gold advantage by clearing the jungle camps quickly and efficiently. When engaging in team fights, always make sure to use your ultimate to lock down an area and disable enemies.

5. Kayn – The Shadow Reaper

Kayn is a powerful jungler that excels at ganking and fighting. His ultimate, Shadow Step, allows him to quickly close the gap between him and his target, making him a great ganker. In addition, his ultimate, Reaping Slash, allows him to quickly clear the jungle camps and deal a lot of damage in team fights.

Strengths: High mobility, great waveclear and jungle clear speed, powerful ultimate for engaging and disengaging.

Weaknesses: Easily countered by vision wards, weak dueling potential in the late game.

Tips: Try to gank as often as possible in the early game. Build up your gold advantage by clearing the jungle camps quickly and efficiently. When engaging in team fights, always make sure to use your ultimate to close the gap between you and your target.

Introduction to Jungling

Jungling is an important role in League of Legends. Junglers are responsible for clearing out the jungle camps, providing vision and setting up successful ganks for their team. To be a successful jungler, you need to have good map awareness, know when to gank and be able to quickly clear out the jungle camps. Junglers provide an important tactical advantage to their team, as they can set up successful ganks and build an advantage for their team.

When choosing a jungler, it’s important to pick a champion that fits your team composition and playstyle. Some champions are better at ganking, while others are better at clearing out the jungle camps. It’s important to find the champion that works best for you.

The above list is just a few of the best junglers in League of Legends. If you’re looking for more junglers to try out, be sure to check out our other lists of the best junglers in League of Legends.