5 Tips to Improve Your Last Hitting in League of Legends

5 Tips to Improve Your Last Hitting in League of Legends

League of Legends is a complicated game with a lot to learn and master, and one of the most important skills to develop is that of last hitting. Last hitting is the act of landing the killing blow on an enemy minion or monster, and is integral in earning gold and experience, two things that are key to success in League of Legends. Here are 5 tips to help you improve your last hitting game.

1. Know your auto attack range

The first and most important thing to know about last hitting is your auto attack range. This is the distance from your champion to an enemy minion or monster that you can auto attack it without having to move. Your champion’s auto attack range can vary depending on its size and the item you have equipped. Knowing your auto attack range is essential to successful last hitting because it will help you know when to move in and attack, and when to back off and wait. When you know your auto attack range, you can position yourself to maximize your chance at last hitting.

2. Know your cooldowns

Knowing the cooldowns of your abilities is another key element of successful last hitting. Your abilities can be used to last hit from a distance, and if you know their cooldowns, you’ll be able to better time your attacks and increase your chances of success. Knowing the cooldowns of your abilities will also help you identify when it’s best to use them to last hit and when it’s better to save them for other uses.

3. Learn to predict

Another important skill in last hitting is the ability to predict what your opponents will do. If you can anticipate their movements, you can adjust your own positioning to make it easier to last hit. For example, if you have an enemy melee champion coming to attack you, you can predict their approach direction and back off accordingly to make it easier to last hit. This kind of prediction requires experience, but it is an invaluable skill to have when it comes to last hitting.

4. Practice and study

The best way to improve at last hitting is to practice, and this means playing games. You should also take the time to study the mechanics of last hitting, such as the timing and positioning. By playing a lot and studying the basics, you can develop the muscle memory and knowledge required to maximize your last hitting skills.

5. Know your enemy

It is important to know the abilities and cooldowns of your enemy champions, as this can help you predict their movements and adjust your position accordingly. Knowing your enemies will also help you time your last hits to avoid taking damage from their abilities. This is especially important against champions with long range abilities that can be difficult to dodge.

Last hitting is an essential skill in League of Legends, and these 5 tips should help you improve your last hitting game. Practice and study to develop the muscle memory and knowledge required for successful last hitting, and always be aware of your auto attack range and the abilities and cooldowns of your enemies. With practice and dedication, you can become a master at last hitting and increase your chances of success in League of Legends.