Using League of Legends Objectives to Win Games

Using League of Legends Objectives to Win Games

League of Legends is one of the most popular esports and the most played game in the world. It’s no surprise then that many players are looking for ways to improve their game and win more often. One of the best ways to improve your game and win more often is by utilizing objectives. This guide will teach you how to master objectives in League of Legends and use them to your advantage.

What are League of Legends Objectives?

Objectives are the main components of League of Legends that give players the opportunity to gain an advantage over the enemy team. They are typically enemy structures such as turrets or inhibitors that can be destroyed, and they give the destroying team gold and map control. Objectives are also things like minions, dragons, and Baron Nashor, which can be killed for additional gold, buffs, and map control. All of these objectives have different effects that can be used strategically to win games.

Turrets and Inhibitors

Turrets and inhibitors are the two most important objectives in the game. Turrets are structures that shoot at enemy players and minions, and they are the primary defense for a team’s base. Inhibitors are structures that prevent minions from spawning in a lane, and they are the key to pushing lanes and taking objectives. When a turret or inhibitor is destroyed, the enemy team will lose gold and map control.

The key to using turrets and inhibitors to your advantage is to understand how they interact with your team’s strategies. If your team wants to win teamfights, then you should prioritize taking down turrets and inhibitors. If your team wants to push lanes, then you should focus on taking down inhibitors. Understanding how the objectives interact with your team’s strategies can give you a massive advantage in the game.

Minions and Jungle Monsters

Minions are the small, AI-controlled soldiers that march down each lane. They are the main source of income for a team, and they can be used to push lanes and take objectives. Jungle monsters are AI-controlled monsters that spawn in the jungle and grant buffs when killed. Both minions and jungle monsters can be used to your advantage if you understand how they interact with your team’s strategies.

Minions and jungle monsters are great for taking objectives because they are constantly pushing lanes and providing a source of income. If you have a good minion/monster advantage, then you can use it to take down turrets and inhibitors more quickly. If you have a good minion/monster disadvantage, then you can use it to defend against the enemy team’s push. Understanding how minions and jungle monsters interact with your team’s strategies is key to using them to your advantage.

Dragon and Baron Nashor

Dragon and Baron Nashor are powerful monsters that spawn in the jungle. Dragon grants gold and buffs to the team that kills it, and Baron Nashor grants gold and a massive buff to the team that kills it. Killing these monsters is a great way to gain an advantage over the enemy team, but they can also be used strategically.

If you can predict when and where the enemy team will try to take dragon or Baron Nashor, then you can use that information to your advantage. You can set up ambushes and teamfights to counter the enemy team’s move. You can also use warding to gain vision of the monster and use that information to your advantage. Understanding how Dragon and Baron Nashor interact with your team’s strategies is key to using them to your advantage.

Optimizing Your Builds and Strategies for Objectives

Optimizing your builds and strategies for objectives is key to taking them and winning games. Builds should be optimized for taking down turrets and inhibitors quickly and efficiently. Your team composition should be focused on taking down objectives, and your strategies should be focused on taking them. Knowing how to build and strategize for objectives is key to using them to your advantage.

You should also prioritize warding objectives so that you can gain vision of them and keep track of the enemy team’s movements. Keeping your team warded will give you an advantage in teamfights and allow you to take objectives more easily. Understanding how to optimize your builds and strategies for objectives is key to using them to your advantage.


Objectives are one of the most important components of League of Legends and mastering them can give you a massive advantage in the game. This guide has taught you how to use objectives to your advantage, and how to optimize your builds and strategies for them. Now it’s up to you to apply this knowledge and use objectives to your advantage in League of Legends.