Welcome, brave adventurer, to the quirky, oftentimes overlooked world of playing support in the ever-engaging game of League of Legends. Now, you may be wondering how one can truly “carry” a game as a support. Fear not, for today we shall delve into the deep, dark secrets that will transform you from a mere ward-placing […]
Month: May 2023
5 Most Effective Top Lane Champions for Solo Queue
It is a well-known fact that the universe is home to infinite possibilities, and the world of League of Legends reflects this same diversity. It is a realm where countless champions converge, each with their unique set of skills and abilities, waiting for their moment to shine. The top lane, a rather lonely yet strategically […]
5 Best Mid Lane Champions for Solo Queue
Welcome, fellow League of Legends enthusiasts! You have journeyed far and wide, battled countless minions and champions alike, all in search of the ultimate knowledge to elevate your game. And now, by some twist of fate (or, more likely, a well-timed Google search), you have arrived here at LoLTool.net, where we shall indeed bestow upon […]
Top 10 Tips for Solo Queue Success
Welcome, weary traveler, to the realm of solo queue in League of Legends! Whether you’ve stumbled upon this treacherous path by choice or by happenstance, we, the lovely folks at LoLTool.net, are here to help guide you on your ascent up the ranked ladder. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with 10 essential tips […]
5 Best ADC’s for Sona Support in League of Legends
Introduction to Sona Support It is a well-known fact that in the ever-changing world of League of Legends, there exists a vast array of champions with unique abilities and playstyles. Among these champions, we find Sona, a versatile and melodic support champion. With her remarkable ability to heal, protect, and even dish out some serious […]