How to Improve Your Warding in League of Legends

How to Improve Your Warding in League of Legends

Warding is a crucial part of League of Legends and mastering it can help you keep track of opponents and stay a step ahead in the game. In this guide, we will explain the basics of warding and provide some tips on how to improve your warding in League of Legends.

Why Warding is Important

Warding is an important part of the game because it helps you spot enemy champions and objectives. By using wards, you can detect where the enemy team is and adjust your play accordingly. For example, you can use wards to identify enemy junglers or roamers and play around them. You can also use wards to track objectives such as Baron and Dragon, which can help you decide when to push or defend your lanes. In addition, wards can also be used to escape from ganks, as well as to set up ganks on the enemy team.

Where to Place Your Wards

When it comes to placing your wards, there are certain places where they are more effective than others. These are typically spots that offer a good line of sight to the enemy jungle. You generally want to have a few wards in the river and in your own jungle, as well as in the enemy jungle. This will give you a good view of the enemy team’s movements, allowing you to anticipate ganks and set up your own. You should also place wards around objectives such as Baron and Dragon, as this will allow you to spot enemy invasions and plan accordingly.

Reacting to Wards

Once you’ve placed your wards, you should pay attention to them to gain an edge in the game. If you spot an enemy ward, you can use it to plan your movements accordingly. For example, if you spot an enemy ward in your jungle, you can move around it to avoid being seen. You can also use an enemy ward to set up ganks, as it will give you an idea of where the enemy team is and how to approach them. In addition, you can use wards to spot enemy objectives and plan your team’s movements accordingly.

Staying on Top of Ward Placement

Wards have a limited duration, and it is important to keep track of them and replace them when needed. You should always keep an eye on your wards and be ready to place new ones when the old ones expire. You should also keep an eye on your team’s warding and make sure that everyone is placing wards in the right spots. This will help to ensure that you always have a good line of sight on the enemy team.


Warding is an important part of League of Legends, and mastering it can give you an edge in the game. By understanding where to place your wards and how to react to them, you can gain an advantage over your opponents and increase your chances of winning. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be warding like a pro in no time!